Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Nocturnal Animals Project

We are learning about nocturnal animals and birds! We came across some nocturnal animals in the novel we are reading called 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark' by Jill Tomlinson.

Our projects are due on Friday. We can work on them as part of homework each night. You might find information books at home or in the library. The internet is also useful to find out information. We will need parental supervision when we are on the internet.

Here are some websites that might help you find information.

This has information on the bat, owls, the fox, hedgehog and the badger:



This website has links to pages about badgers, foxes, mice, hedgehogs and bats:

We have talked about what we could include in our projects. You might want to include some of the following;

  • Food
  • Habitat (where they live)
  • Special features (what helps them in the dark to see/ hear or protect themselves maybe)
  • Interesting facts
  • A picture or drawing

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